February 2023 Monthly Aggregate Trading Data

Segment Concentration as a Percentage of ADV

Segment Breakdown
Agency Algo/SOR15.98%
HT: Agency0.09%

Spread Execution Metrics

At Bid/Ask 44.08%
Inside NBBO excluding Midpoint 13.93%
At Midpoint* 42.03%

Average Executed Notional Block Data

>$200K 4.25%
$100K – $200K 2.91%

Platform Latency

p-Value Microseconds
p0 16
p25 21
p50 23
p75 32
p90 177
p95 313
p99 768

Conditional Order Statistics

  • Median response time 1.770 milliseconds
  • Average firm-up rate (orders) 79.30%
  • Conditional percentage of ADV 4.87%

VWAP Order Statistics

  • VWAP Block ADV 4,6533,930
  • VWAP Block Unique Symbols Traded 3,163
  • VWAP Slice ADV 17,005,422
  • VWAP Slice Unique Symbols Traded 3,150

VWAP Executed Volume by Market Cap

Large Cap 54.26%
Mid Cap 31.58%
Small Cap 14.15%

VWAP Executed Symbols by Market Cap

Large Cap 821
Mid Cap 1,141
Small Cap 1,522

VWAP Volume Breakdown

Open to Counterparty 6.25%
Open Only to Self-Match 93.75%
Contra Matched .13%
Self-Matched 99.87%

Odd Lot Statistics

  • Odd Lot percentage of ADV 8.16%


Trade BasketAvg Trade SizeVolume
1 – 499 82 67.41%
500 – 999 631 10.53%
1,000 – 1,999 1,242 8.27%
2,000 – 4,999 2,848 6.86%
5,000 – 9,999 6,560 3.15%
≥ 10,000 19,739 3.78%
Trade BasketAvg Trade SizeVolume
All 118 100.00%
≥ 500 1,233 32.59%
≥ 1,000 2,265 22.06%
≥ 2,000 4,476 13.79%
≥ 5,000 10,313 6.93%
≥ 10,000 19,739 3.78%


June 2024 Aggregate Trade

May2024 Aggregate Trade

April 2024 Aggregate Trade

March 2024 Aggregate Trade Data

February 2024 Aggregate Trade Data

January 2024 Aggregate Trade Data

*VWAP Volume not included in Midpoint Volume Calculation
Figures may not total to 100% due to rounding
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For Broker Dealer Use Only – Not for Use With the Public – Kezar Trading Member FINRA and SIPC